Architectural Details
The information in this section is intended to provide the architect, designer and end user with architectural details that can be easily be included in drawings or sketches. These details are organized by systems, i.e., square, bevel, radius and reveal. In general, NOVAWALL does not recommend mixing system types within the same elevation, e.g., using bevel edges with reveal Midseams. If you desire to do this, please consult NOVAWALL Systems, Inc. or your local distributor for assistance before specifying these types of details.
Using the Typical NOVAWALL Details, you are free to specify:
Panel Thickness
Fabric (See Fabric Guide for additional advice) Core Material
Panel Width and Height
Panels that Incorporate Curves as Viewed in Elevation or Plan
Non-Right Angles in Elevation or Plan (Right angles are not mandatory)
Dramatic Grid Configurations